Working with Modules
Modules enable you to control the display of almost any kind of website content in a Joomla! CMS website.
Each Module can be separately configured to determine when and where it will display content in the Front End.
For example, when someone:
- selects a Menu Link,
- signs into your website,
- visits your website from a particular device (example: smartphone).
This is called 'assigning the Module'.
In this article we cover how to assign a Module to a Position and Menu Link.
And how to determine whether the Module will be visible depending upon the device and screen size used by the visitor.
Editing Modules
Users with special permissions (Example: Administrators and Super Users) may edit Module content either after signing into the website's Dashboard or the Front End.
Sign into the Front End.
Select the button shown below to edit the features of a Module.
You will not see this button when you sign into the Front End if Global Configuration - Site - Frontend Editing = None.
See our separate article for more information.
Sign into your website Dashboard.
Select the Modules button from the Site panel in your website's Dashboard.
Creating new Modules
Daunted at the prospect of creating a new Module?
No worries.
WYNCHCO Website Designs include lots of exemplar Modules which have been pre-assigned by:
- Position, and
- Menu Link.
Look for an existing Module that appears similar to one that you want to create.
Duplicate it.
And then tweak its settings as required.
We cover how to create and duplicate Modules in this article.
Core Supported Modules
The Joomla! CMS includes a diverse set of useful Modules.
To see all the available Core Module types available for you to use in your website, follow these steps.
- Sign into your website Dashboard.
- Select the Modules button in the Site panel to browse, edit and create new Modules.
These images show the available Core Module types included with the Joomla! 4 CMS.
The above images include a 3rd Party Module called EB Sticky Cookie Notice (highlighted).
We like this Module and use it to display a Cookie Bar in our JOOMLERS.UK website.
This is a legal requirement under UK General Data Protection Regulations or GDPR.
We recommend that you display a Cookie Bar in your own website.
Decoupled Core Supported Joomla! Modules
When Joomla! 3.4 was launched, the Joomla! Project announced that it planned over time to move toward a 'lighter version' of Joomla! CMS.
The future Core Joomla! CMS would include fewer Core Supported Extensions.
'De-coupled' extensions would thereafter be offered as optional extras via a separate category of the Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED) called 'JED Official Extensions'.
Read more: JED Official Extensions Category
At the time of writing - 16 October 2024 - the JED Official Extensions Category at the above link lists only two such extensions:
- Weblinks,
- Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons for Joomla.
We use the Web Links decouple core-supported extension in our JOOMLERS.UK website.
Visit the following link to learn more about using the Web Links extension.
3rd Party Modules
A 3rd Party Module is one created by a developer, and which does not form part of the core Joomla! CMS.
The installation and uninstallation process is the same for all 3rd Party extensions including Modules.
Read more: How to install an Extension.
Read more: How to uninstall an Extension.
Read more: How to update an Extension.
You can see the diverse range of available 3rd Party Modules in the Joomla! Extensions Directory.
Visit: Joomla! Extensions Directory
Getting started with Modules
Contents include:
Make Joomla! CMS Security your #1 Priority
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