Protect your device, browser and web connection
If the application you use to connect to your website is compromised then so will be your website.
When thinking about website security, it is easy to overlook the privacy and security settings of the applications you use to connect to the internet, for example:
- the Operating System of your computer or mobile device,
- the Web Browser you use to connect to your website and Hosting Control Panel,
- the Search Engine you use to browse the web,
- the Email Client you use to send and receive mail,
- the Router you use to connect to your Internet Service Provider, and
- the File Transfer or FTP Client you use to connect to your Hosting Control Panel.
All of the above can be targeted by hackers seeking to exploit your Personal Data, your Hosting Account and your Website.
Can you answer yes to the following questions?
Is your device's Operating System using the most recent patches provided by its developer?
Have you recently checked your Web Browser's privacy and security settings?
Have you considered using the DuckDuckGo Web Browser to benefit from its superior privacy settings?
Have you recently checked your Email Client's privacy and security settings?
Do you periodically check your Router has not been hijacked?
Are you aware of the secure way to connect to your Hosting Account when using a File Transfer or FTP Client?
Have you added an SSL Certificate to your website's domain?
Even if you answered YES to every question, there is a chance you have missed something.
The aim of this article
The security and privacy settings of the applications you use to connect to the web can usually be tightened.
Use the links at the top of this article to learn more about how you can tighten the default settings to improve the protection of your Personal Data, your Hosting Account and your Website.
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