Exemplar Content
We include exemplar content with every WYNCHCO website design:
- Articles (including Blog Posts),
- Categories,
- Media,
- Menus,
- Menu Links,
- Modules,
- and more besides.
This exemplar content is intended for use as a guide when you begin adding and editing website content.
You may wish to delete such content but we recommend instead you unpublish it for future reference.
In this article we outline the Exemplar Content included with a WYNCHCO Website Design.
And show you how to hide it.
When we make changes to Exemplar Content we use the Joomla! Accessibility Checker Plugin to see if there are any accessibility improvements which should be made.
We recommend that you do the same when you make significant changes to website content.
Learn how to use the plugin at the following link.
Read more: Joomla! Accessibility Checker.
Why you should retain exemplar content
Unpublished Exemplar Content will not be visible in the Front End of your website.
But it will still be available for future reference in your website's Dashboard.
Don't delete exemplar Modules
When we create the Exemplar Modules in a WYNCHCO Website Design we assign them to Positions and Menu Links.
Next, we assign one or more Custom Style Sets to each Module to determine:
- the Module's look and feel (its appearance), and
- when the Module will be visible in response to a user's device and screen size.
Exemplar Modules provide a key to help you begin creating your own Modules as you develop your website.
When you want to create a new Module, simply duplicate an exemplar Module.
Contents include:
How to hide the following exemplar content:
Blog Content,
Newsflash Content,
Custom Modules,
Random Image Modules,
Smart Search Modules,
Banner Content,