The purpose of the Debug Plugin is to enable website administrators to fault find.
The Debug Plugin is enabled by default in the Joomla! CMS.
When debugging is also enabled in the Global Configuration - System screen, administrators may review error messages displayed in the Front End.
Read more: Global Configuration - System Screen.
Debug Plugin Access Level
The Access Level setting of the Debug Plugin in the default Joomla! CMS = Public.
This means that every website visitor, not only website administrators, can read the resulting error messages when debugging is enabled in the Global Configuration screen.
A possible consequence of this was identified in the November Issue of the Joomla! Community Magazine - see link below.
The issue identified was human error, namely forgetting to disable debugging in the Global Configuration screen after fault-finding.
The Access Level setting of the Debug Plugin in a default WYNCHCO Website Design = Super User.
Result: only Super Users will be able to view fault-finding error messages in the Front End.
Read more: How my new Joomla 4 website got hacked
How to change the Access Level
It is easy to change the Access Level of the Debug Plugin.
First, select the Plugins button in the Site Panel of your website's Home Dashboard to browse installed Plugins.
Next, click the name of the Debug plugin to review its settings.
Then toggle the Access Level setting from Public to Super User.