News - Display News items using the Newsflash Module
Display News Content
There are two ways you can easily display news content in your website.
You can display News in the form of a Blog.
You can also display news items using the Newsflash Module.
Create a Category called News and link to it using a Category Blog Menu Link to present news posts in the form of a blog.
This is perhaps the easiest way to manage and present news items on a daily basis.
The method enables you to present short introductions (with a Read More link) inside the main body of your website.
When someone selects Read More, the complete article becomes visible inside the main body.
Create a number of Articles in a Newsflash Category and present these to readers via an Articles - Newsflash Module.
This is more complex to set up than a News Blog, requiring a Category and a Module to be created.
This method enables you to present short introductions (with a Read More link) outside of the main body of your website.
When someone selects Read More, the complete article becomes visible inside the main body.
The Custom Module
You may also wish to consider using the Custom Module to present short discrete new items anywhere in your website.