Joomla! Help Support Warrington Cheshire Manchester Merseyside UKThe Skip to Navigation Plugin creates a dropdown menu called Keyboard Navigation.

The menu is displayed at the top of the screen and includes links to the important places on the page of a website being viewed in a web browser.

Purpose: to enable keyboard and screen reader users to quickly jump to the desired location on the page by choosing from a list of options.

The Keyboard Navigation menu is always visible to screen readers.

But is not visible to keyboard users until triggered by means of the TAB key.


The main body of the web page (enabling users bypass the menu and skip straight to the substance of a page).


A well-configured Joomla! CMS installation (and Template) will separately identify each Menu when more than one exists on a page).

Breadcrumbs will also be listed.



Location of copyright statement and usually a cookie bar.


Location of the website banner (usually linked to the website Home Page).


Example Keyboard Navigation Dropdown Menu

The example shown below is taken from our own JOOMLERS.UK website.

plugins skip navigation dropdown

Configure the Skip to Navigation Plugin

To open the Plugin screen, select Plugins from the Site Panel after signing in.

Click its name to open the screen.

plugins keyboard shortcuts 1

The default setting in a WYNCHCO Website Design = Both.

Screen readers can use the Skip to Navigation button in both the Front End and the Dashboard.

plugins keyboard shortcuts 2


The Meaning of Accessibility

If you want to gain a better understanding of what is meant by Accessibility then please refer to this website's Accessibility Statement.

Read more: Accessibility Statement.


Make Joomla! CMS Security your #1 Priority

Joomla! Help Support Warrington Cheshire Manchester Merseyside UKWe offer Joomla! coaching, help and support to businesses and organisations across Cheshire, Manchester, Merseyside, North West England & the UK.

Learn how to manage Joomla! website security.

Joomla! Help Support Warrington Cheshire Manchester Merseyside UKThe Skip to Navigation Plugin creates a dropdown menu called Keyboard Navigation.

The menu is displayed at the top of the screen and includes links to the important places on the page of a website being viewed in a web browser.

Purpose: to enable keyboard and screen reader users to quickly jump to the desired location on the page by choosing from a list of options.

The Keyboard Navigation menu is always visible to screen readers.

But is not visible to keyboard users until triggered by means of the TAB key.


The main body of the web page (enabling users bypass the menu and skip straight to the substance of a page).


A well-configured Joomla! CMS installation (and Template) will separately identify each Menu when more than one exists on a page).

Breadcrumbs will also be listed.



Location of copyright statement and usually a cookie bar.


Location of the website banner (usually linked to the website Home Page).


Example Keyboard Navigation Dropdown Menu

The example shown below is taken from our own JOOMLERS.UK website.

plugins skip navigation dropdown

Configure the Skip to Navigation Plugin

To open the Plugin screen, select Plugins from the Site Panel after signing in.

Click its name to open the screen.

plugins keyboard shortcuts 1

The default setting in a WYNCHCO Website Design = Both.

Screen readers can use the Skip to Navigation button in both the Front End and the Dashboard.

plugins keyboard shortcuts 2


The Meaning of Accessibility

If you want to gain a better understanding of what is meant by Accessibility then please refer to this website's Accessibility Statement.

Read more: Accessibility Statement.


Make Joomla! CMS Security your #1 Priority

Joomla! Help Support Warrington Cheshire Manchester Merseyside UKWe offer Joomla! coaching, help and support to businesses and organisations across Cheshire, Manchester, Merseyside, North West England & the UK.

Learn how to manage Joomla! website security.