Image Title Attributes (sometimes referred to as Title Tags) are widely reported not to add any value for SEO.
Using Title Attributes with image links to try and boost SEO may therefore be a waste of time.
Instead use Title Attributes with Image Links to convey to the visitor information about the landing page.
Images and SEO
Title attribute probably adds no value to SEO.
ALT attribute may add some value to SEO.
Image File Name apparently adds more value to SEO than either of the above.
Image Captions are reputed to help reduce bounce rates.
Read more: How to reduce Bounce Rates.
Contents include:
How to use the Title attribute
The Title attribute for an image link works in the same way as the anchor text 1 for a word link and when used should clearly state what the image is linking to, be it to:
- another website,
- another Article within your own website or to
- an anchor point within the same Article.
Example use of the Title attribute
So the Title attribute for an image of a plant acting as a link to a website about plants might state 'more about plants'!
Whereas the ALT attribute (see separate article) for an image of the plant might state 'this is a plant'!
Title attributes differ from ALT attributes in that they indicate what will happen when you click on the image.
Image below shows the Link Manager pop up window when you select the Link button in the JCE Content Editor.
Note 1
'Anchor Text' refers to the words used when a link is part of a sentence, or the Title attribute of an image-link.
How to add a Title Attribute to an Image
We tell you how in the Working with Images section of our Joomla! User Guide.
Read more: How to link an image.
A word about Text Links
When using your website's content editor to create a Text Link you may see a reference to Title tag.
If the destination of the text link's 'anchor text' is obvious then there is no need to add a Title tag.
Example: Read more: Headings and Titles.
In this example the 'anchor text' is sufficient as it clearly indicates its purpose.
If instead the text link stated:
- 'Headings and Titles'
then adding a Title tag such as
- 'Read more: Headings and Titles'
would help users of screen readers navigate your website.
We offer advice for how to improve your search engine ranking. We do not offer any guarantees that your rankings will improve as a result of this advice.