Transfer files to and from the server hosting your website using an FTP Client or the File Manager of your Hosting Control Panel.
Transfer files using File Manager
Look for the the Files section after signing into your Hosting Control Panel (cPanel).
Select the File Manager button to see all the files used by your website.
How to transfer files
Illustrations included here show how to transfer files to and from the server using cPanel's File Manager.
Select File Manager and follow the steps below to transfer files.
This example illustrates uploading image files to the images folder within the PUBLIC_HTML folder.
Uploading lots of files?
Use an FTP Client (see below).
Or first compress files using a Zip utility and the extract files from the Zip after it has uploaded.
Remember to remove the Zip file from the server when done.
Follow these steps to upload image files using File Manager:
- Navigate to the Images folder.
- Select Upload from the menu at the top of the screen.
Your files will be uploaded as soon as you either:
- drag and drop files from your computer into the box labelled Drop files here, or
- browse your computer and select files.
Check the Overwrite existing files box if you want to replace files of the same name which already exist in the destination folder.
This example illustrates downloading a Backup archive from a folder called mybackups using File Manager.
- Navigate to the mybackups folder within the HOME directory.
- Click the name of the Backup archive.
- Select Download from the menu at the top of the screen.
- Click SAVE in the pop-up window.
- The download will commence.
Alternative Step 2: right-click and select Download from the pop-up menu.
Note: Image shows Backup Archive created using cPanel Backup Wizard (format = TAR.GZ).
Why we recommend instead using an FTP Client
The process of downloading Backup archives using the File Manager is via the web browser.
There is a small risk of Backups being corrupted when archives are downloaded via a web browser.
The bigger the Backup archive the greater the risk of a Backup archive being corrupted.
Read more: How to back up your website.
The mybackups folder
We recommend creating a folder called mybackups outside of PUBLIC_HTML for the purpose of storing Backup archives.
To find out why read our separate article.
- Secure, when using the HTTPS connection provided by your hosting company.
- Very fast when you have a good internet connection.
- Easy process.
It is convenient to use File Manager to transfer everyday files used by your website to and from the server.
But the method should not be used to transfer Backup archives.
Instead use an FTP Client. Read on.
Transfer files using an FTP Client
FTP = File Transfer Protocol.
We recommend using the FileZilla FTP client.
It is a fast and reliable intuitive cross-platform FTP Client.
Features include:
- drag & drop support,
- transfer files securely using SSH or Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP),
- or alternatively by a secure SSL/TLS connection (FTPS),
- compatible with most operating systems, and
- supports transfer of very large files.
This section of our guide focuses on how to transfer files using the FileZilla FTP client.
Download and Install FileZilla
Download FileZilla Client from here:
Important: Do not download FileZilla Server.
Which Transfer Protocol should you use?
Reason: using FTP protocol sends data from your machine to the server in unencrypted form.
Your FTP username and password will be transmitted in the clear, making it easy for a hacker to "sniff" your password.
If you do use the FTP protocol then you should change your Hosting Control Panel password as soon as possible after transferring files to or from the server.
This will reduce the risk of website and hosting account compromise.
Use the SFTP or FTPS protocol instead.
SFTP = SSH or Secure File Transfer Protocol.
FTPS = File Transfer Protocol using SSL/TLS.
Using SFTP or FTPS protocol will ensure that data is encrypted between your machine and the server, making it harder for a hacker to "sniff" your password.
Choose a hosting provider which supports connection by FTP client using the SFTP protocol.
If connecting using the FTPS protocol check that your domain is using a valid SSL certificate before you begin.
Connection Details
You will need the following details to be able to connect to the server using an FTP client:
- Host: (ask your hosting provider).
- Port: (ask your hosting provider).
- User: Username (Hosting Control Panel or FTP username).
- Password: (Hosting Control Panel or FTP password).
These details can usually be quickly entered using FileZilla's Quick Connect Bar - see image below.
Important: Remember to clear FileZilla's cache when done!
Warning: Unknown Host Key
If you see an Unknown Host Key warning when you connect to the server using FileZilla, it should be safe to proceed if you are using the connection details provided by your hosting provider.
If in doubt, contact your hosting provider.
Select the 'Always' check box to avoid seeing the Unknown Host Key warning next time you connect.
Two Rules to strictly observe when using an FTP Client
Never save your user credentials in your FTP Client's cache (short term memory).
If your computer ever gets hacked this cache will be targeted and your user credentials harvested.
These credentials are the same ones as used to sign into your Hosting Control Panel.
If a hacker gets hold of them they can do anything on the server you can do, including access your mailboxes.
Always clear your FTP Client's Cache
Here's how when you use FileZilla.
In the Quick Connect Bar you will see a button with a down arrow next to it - see image.
The button is labelled Quickconnect.
When finished transferring files, select the down arrow and:
- select Clear connect bar,
- select Clear history
before you close the FileZilla window.
Select Transfer > Transfer Type from the menu at the top of the Filezilla screen and then select Binary.
If instead you use the Auto or ASCII transfer type then your Backup archives may be corrupted during the transfer process.
Never transfer a Backup archive to or from the server using any Transfer Type other than Binary.
Only use Binary.
Getting Started using FileZilla
Step 1: Download and install the application.
Download FileZilla Client from here:
Step 2: Set the default Transfer Type as Binary.
Select Transfer > Transfer Type from the menu at the top of the Filezilla screen and then select Binary.
Step 3: Enter Host, Username, Password and Port in the Quick Connect Bar.
Avoid using the unsecure FTP protocol.
Instead use either the more secure SFTP or FTPS protocol.
Confirm the FTP connection details (host, port etc) with your hosting provider before you begin.
Step 4: Transfer files.
The image shows transfer of a Backup archive:
- from the mybackups folder on the server (on the right),
- to a folder called mybackups on a device (on the left).
Important: make sure you have set the Transfer Type to be Binary before you begin.
Note: Image shows Backup Archive created using Akeeba Backup (format = JPA).
Click image to see larger version.
Use the left panel to find the folder on your device to which you want to download files to before you connect to the server.
To transfer one file simply double click the file. When you do the transfer will commence.
To transfer several files at a time, first highlight the files, then right-click with your mouse and select the download option. The transfer will commence.
The image shows transfer of an image file:
- from a folder called mypictures on a device (on the left),
- to the images folder on the server (on the right).
Click image to see larger version.
Use the right panel to find the folder on the server to which you want to upload files to before you do anything else.
To transfer one file simply double click the file. When you do the transfer will commence.
To transfer several files at a time, first highlight the files, then right-click with your mouse and select the download option. The transfer will commence.
Step 5: Disconnect from the server.
Select the red button at top of the FileZilla window,
Step 6: Clear FileZilla's cache (see above).
FileZilla User Guide
Quote: "This guide gives you a short overview on how to use FileZilla client.
By default you don't have to configure FileZilla, so you can start directly working with the program."
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