
Joomla! Help Support Warrington Cheshire Manchester Merseyside UK

Web Server Traffic Analysis Tools (like AWStats) and Web Analysis Tools (like Google Analytics 4) are two options to consider when you want to better understand how visitors interact with your website.

Access and Error Logs also offer a similar if less visually engaging and accessible way to monitor website traffic.


Web Server Traffic Analysis Tools

AWStats and Webalizer are two examples.

Either will present graphs to illutrate traffic patterns as well as identify the source by IP address of traffic to your website.

You will need to sign into your Hosting Control Panel to activate either one of these tools before you can use them.

Read more: Web Server Traffic Analysis Tools.


Web Analysis Tools

Google Analytics 4 is an example of a web analysis tool designed with the aim of enabling enable website owners to better understand how visitors use their website.

Its use requires adding a Tracking Code to your website.

Read more: Google Analytics 4.

In recent years there have been a number of new entrants to the market offering a range of alternative web analysis tools.

You may therefore wish to do a little research before opting for Google Analytics 4.

This useful September 2022 Joomla! Community Magazine article considers some alternative options for analysing website traffic.

Read more: The alternatives to using a Tracking Code


Access and Error Logs

You can monitor traffic to your website in a less visually friendly way by means of Access and Error Logs.

You can download Access and Error Logs from the server hosting your website via the Hosting Control Panel provided by your web hosting company.

Their main purpose is to enable you to:

  • investigate and evaluate potential website hacks, and
  • resolve issues when your website is not working properly

but they can also be used to better understand website traffic.

Read more: Access and Error Logs.


Work smarter not harder!

Joomla! Help Support Warrington Cheshire Manchester Merseyside UKWe coach, help and support managers of businesses and organisations across Cheshire, Manchester, Merseyside, North West England and the UK.

Learn how to manage a Joomla! website.


Joomla! Help Support Warrington Cheshire Manchester Merseyside UK

Web Server Traffic Analysis Tools (like AWStats) and Web Analysis Tools (like Google Analytics 4) are two options to consider when you want to better understand how visitors interact with your website.

Access and Error Logs also offer a similar if less visually engaging and accessible way to monitor website traffic.


Web Server Traffic Analysis Tools

AWStats and Webalizer are two examples.

Either will present graphs to illutrate traffic patterns as well as identify the source by IP address of traffic to your website.

You will need to sign into your Hosting Control Panel to activate either one of these tools before you can use them.

Read more: Web Server Traffic Analysis Tools.


Web Analysis Tools

Google Analytics 4 is an example of a web analysis tool designed with the aim of enabling enable website owners to better understand how visitors use their website.

Its use requires adding a Tracking Code to your website.

Read more: Google Analytics 4.

In recent years there have been a number of new entrants to the market offering a range of alternative web analysis tools.

You may therefore wish to do a little research before opting for Google Analytics 4.

This useful September 2022 Joomla! Community Magazine article considers some alternative options for analysing website traffic.

Read more: The alternatives to using a Tracking Code


Access and Error Logs

You can monitor traffic to your website in a less visually friendly way by means of Access and Error Logs.

You can download Access and Error Logs from the server hosting your website via the Hosting Control Panel provided by your web hosting company.

Their main purpose is to enable you to:

  • investigate and evaluate potential website hacks, and
  • resolve issues when your website is not working properly

but they can also be used to better understand website traffic.

Read more: Access and Error Logs.


Work smarter not harder!

Joomla! Help Support Warrington Cheshire Manchester Merseyside UKWe coach, help and support managers of businesses and organisations across Cheshire, Manchester, Merseyside, North West England and the UK.

Learn how to manage a Joomla! website.